
Energy Efficient Washing Dryers – Getting it Right

When it comes to drying washed laundry, there are two parts to energy efficiency: Washing the laundry at 70°C (increasing the regular CoP efficiency times seven) and using dryers wisely.
  • “Cold” Drying

    The drying is actually a cold process (at about 40°C) with a closed air cycle. The “cold” drying process preserves the clothes and reduces the amount of lint collected in the dryer. This closed process ensures that polluted air is not emitted outside the building, and complies with the requirements of the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection. When it comes to oily work clothes, no burnt smell is emitted into the launderette – a common phenomenon that occurs with present-day high temperature drying processes. At the end of the drying process, there is no need to wait 10-15 minutes for the clothes to cool down  and they can be removed from the dryer immediately.
  • Air Conditioning in Launderettes – Improving Employees’ Energy Levels

    Most launderettes are not air conditioned as this it often considered an unnecessary and expensive process. However, when we implement energy efficiency processes, the air conditioning process is also revolutionized. Our air conditioning systems expel any extra heat and humidity from circuit openings and automatic irons, by expelling the hot humid air outside the building. This way, the employees benefit from working in a comfortable environment (that is not hot and humid) and the business benefits from increased work output.